At a glance, the idea of going back to get your degree in your 40s may seem like an impossibility with many barriers and obstacles holding you back. Fortunately, keeping a full-time job whilst earning a degree has never been more accessible.
With universities such as Point Loma Nazarene offering programs like an Accelerated Undergraduate Program, you can earn a bachelor’s degree in as few as 15 months and find yourself qualified for new and exciting career positions.
You may have enrolled at a university in the past only to decide — for whatever reason — it just wasn’t the right time. Luckily, your 40s can likely be the perfect time to start exploring your career options and considering new areas of employment. At universities such as PLNU, your previous credits will be taken into account, streamlining the process of attaining your degree.
Is Going Back to School Worth it?
You may be wondering why you’d go through the trouble of reentering college in your 40s. The truth is earning your degree could increase your yearly income by a substantial amount. A study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found, on average, those with a bachelor’s degree earn over $20,000 more per year than their counterparts who attended some college without earning a degree. By not completing your degree, you potentially miss out on tens of thousands of dollars that a degree might otherwise help qualify you to earn.
It’s not too late to start your journey.
Pursue your purpose at PLNU.
Exploring the options available to you can potentially lead to a more comfortable salary and higher life satisfaction. If you’re curious about what kind of options are available to you, be sure to explore university programs such as PLNU’s Accelerated Undergraduate Program, which offers a variety of courses ranging from bachelor’s degrees in business administration to computer information technology.
Do You Have to Quit Your Current Job to Go Back to School?
One of the biggest barriers holding people back from returning to college in their 40s is scheduling. Between work and family life, a traditional college schedule is not conducive for many adults who desire to earn a degree in adulthood. Fortunately, for those who are interested in returning to school in their 40s, earning a bachelor’s degree can be done even while still working full time. Whether you choose to take evening classes or enroll in hybrid courses that meet online and in-person, you can continue to thrive at your day job.
Fortunately, for those who are interested in returning to school in their 40s, earning a bachelor’s degree can be done even while still working full time.
By utilizing programs such as PLNU’s Accelerated Undergraduate Program, you’ll find classes that are tailored to fit around your work schedule, thereby optimizing your ability to work and go to school at the same time. In this way, universities such as PLNU allow you to further both your education and job prospects all without having to jeopardize your current income. Whether you’re looking for online courses or classes scheduled at night, PLNU has the resources you need to help make your dream of finally earning a degree become a reality.
Find a Career That Fulfills You
Due to monetary constraints, many people feel as if the job they currently work is their only viable option for employment. Though many would like to switch careers, earning the qualifications necessary to do so seems like a nearly impossible task. A study conducted by the PEW Research Center uncovered the disheartening fact that close to one-third of Americans look at their employment as “just a job to get by,” rather than a career that can lead to success.
If you’re one of the millions of people who glean little or no substantial satisfaction from your job, attaining a degree in your 40s can offer you the opportunity to find fulfillment. Returning to school in adulthood allows you to discover your true vocation and find gratification in a career that suits your sensibilities. Rather than staying at a job to simply “get by,” seize the opportunity to take advantage of PLNU’s Accelerated Undergraduate program in order to step into a career that fills you with passion, excitement, and fulfillment.
Earn Your Degree in San Diego
Going back to school to attain your degree in your 40s has the potential to increase your salary and help you find career fulfillment. Rather than feel stuck in your current job, take the steps to better yourself and earn a degree that will qualify you for careers that align with your calling. If you’re thinking of exploring your university options in the San Diego area, look no further than Point Loma Nazarene University.
PLNU’s Adult Accelerated Undergraduate Program will work with you to apply your previous college credits to your degree and find a class schedule that works for your busy life. Let yourself experience the joy of earning a degree by utilizing PLNU’s Adult Completion Program’s resources which are tailored to make your process of earning a degree in your 40s as accessible and seamless as possible. If you’re ready to invest in yourself and qualify yourself for a vocation you’re passionate about, apply here now.
About the Author
Amir Deen earned his Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Writing from CSUSM. He currently works as a freelance writer and lives in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California