What have you been up to since graduation?
During my senior year at PLNU, I focused my attention on investigating the success that economic development strategies have on relieving global poverty. I completed a Senior Honors research project examining savings groups in Rwanda, Malawi, and Burundi, specifically analyzing the effect of facilitator compensation on the quality and success of the savings groups. This work resulted in an opportunity to be the “Savings for Life” intern with World Relief in Rwanda, working directly with savings groups across the country. So shortly after graduation, I went to Rwanda for the summer working for World Relief, which is an absolutely incredible organization. I loved my time in Rwanda and learned so much about myself and the work God is doing around the world. It was such an adventure. While in Rwanda, my housemate started an organization called DuHope that works with women who are trying to get out of sex work. My time with these women and their kids was unlike anything I have experienced. I loved it. Toward the end of my time in Rwanda, I began thinking about what I was going to do when I got home. I applied for some jobs, but once I got home, I decided I was going to go to law school. So in the fall I started studying for the LSAT, took it in December, and was eventually accepted into Pepperdine University School of Law. I am excited to see the ways God is going to use my background in international development to guide me as I pursue law as a career with the hopes of working in the social justice sector of law.
How has the Center for International Development helped you in achieving your goals?
As I look back on my time at PLNU, the CID was crucial in my development as a student and helped guide me in the direction I am headed now. The CID allowed me to have wonderful conversations about global issues and really sparked my passion for justice.

The Viewpoint
PLNU's university publication, the Viewpoint, seeks to contribute relevant and vital stories that grapple with life's profound questions from a uniquely Christian perspective. Through features, profiles, and news updates, the Viewpoint highlights stories of university alumni, staff, faculty, and students who are pursuing who they are called to be.