7 Clubs to Get Involved in to Make the World a Better Place

People signing up for a club

Are you looking for a way to get involved with the PLNU community in a meaningful way? The search is over! Here are seven clubs for students to improve the world around them through their actions, big or small. 

Students for Environmental Action & Awareness (SEAA)

A club for the eco-minded, environmentalists, and nature lovers, this club focuses on making small actions make a big difference. If you love the planet and want to learn how to best care for it, this is the club for you. You can find their Instagram, @plnu_seaaclub, filled with infographics and tips for reducing waste and positive sustainability news. 

People smiling for club photo
The SEAA Club in the community garden



Appreciation Anonymous

This club provides an artistic and thoughtful way to directly improve the lives of those around you. PLNU’s letter-writing club encourages its members to write encouraging notes to pen pals, those who deserve recognition, and anyone else you can think of. There is equal emphasis on stickers and stamps as there is on the encouragement itself. The club is on Instagram @plnu_appreciation_anonymous.


This club is for those who want to use their business knowledge to meet needs they see in their community. Enactus is founded on the idea that students can fund their business ideas. A past project has been to build “micro pantries” outside of a food bank. This one is best for those who like to follow a project from start to finish and see the fruit of their hard work. 

Who are you called to be?
Pursue your purpose at PLNU.



Standing for Beauty, Revival, Equality, Action, and Knowledge, this club’s emphasis is on gender equality. B.R.E.A.K. hosts discussions about confidence, privilege, party culture, and much more. This club is a great place for anyone regardless of gender, whether you’ve always cared about these issues or are just beginning to be interested. Either way, their instagram, @plnubreak, is worth a follow for the inspirational posts and self-love encouragements.

Center for Justice and Reconciliation 

This is your first stop on the way to making a tangible difference in issues that matter to you. The CJR focuses on fair trade, worker rights, immigration and racial justice, and human trafficking. It’s largely a student-led organization with events that create space for other students to learn, discuss, and process injustices in their communities. One of its most popular events is the Roots of Giving Fair, which invites vendors to sell ethically made gifts in the holiday season). Their instagram is @plnucjr and has great information on the club and its interests, plus frequent giveaways!

The Point

One way to make the world a better place is by being well-informed by local journalism. The Point is PLNU’s student newspaper and reports on everything from the merits of Trader Joe’s pumpkin spice products to student opinions on politics — the Point covers it all. They’re open to story ideas from anyone, so if you want to write, let your voice be heard! You can find the Point on Instagram @thepointweekly or at lomabeat.com.

People holding newspapers
Students reading The Point at a PLNU event



Microfinance Club

It sounds like it may be for business majors, but it’s open and accessible to all! This club focuses on practical solutions to international poverty by helping your understanding of other people’s circumstances and using finance to improve their day-to-day lives. More information can be found here.

Interested in More PLNU Clubs?

There are many great options whether you want to learn more about gender norms or reducing waste — you can’t make a wrong decision! For more information on these clubs and more, check out the PLNU Associated Student Body (ASB)'s website.

About the Author
Sarah Cooper is a senior multimedia journalism major at PLNU. She is an intern for Marketing and Creative Services. Currently, she is working remotely from Anchorage, AK.