The CJR co-founded Churches Against Trafficking (CAT) in 2013 to create a network for local churches to engage in the anti-trafficking efforts in San Diego. We believe that the Church is critical in the work to end human trafficking in our region. CAT exists to equip each congregation to find its unique place in this effort.

Our Mission
- Build a network of San Diego churches that are engaged in combating human trafficking and raising awareness.
- Educate the Christian community in the anti-trafficking work that is happening in San Diego.
- Connect the Christian community with local victim service organizations.
- Pray for organizations and advocates who are working to end human trafficking in San Diego, as well as for victims and survivors.
Get Connected
Churches Against Trafficking is currently on pause due to a loss of engagement coming out of the pandemic. However, individuals from a handful of churches have recently reached out to inquire about how to get involved, and this renewed interest has inspired the possibility of a focus group to identify what the next rendition of Churches Against Trafficking could look like. If you are interested in being involved in the revisioning process, please fill out this form, and someone from our team will be in touch with you.
Learn More
Before you take action, we encourage you to listen to survivors and learn from trained professionals. Human trafficking is a complex, nuanced issue, and it is critical to learn from experts in the field. Start your journey by watching this Human Trafficking 101 video, in either English or Spanish, to learn more about the scope of the problem. This video is the first step in becoming a part of the solution to eradicate this injustice from our communities.
*Please note that this video does not equip you to work directly with victims or survivors of trafficking.
Take Action
How Can I Take Action?
Learn more about human trafficking
- Take one hour to complete the free OnWatch Training to learn how to spot, report, and prevent sex trafficking.
- Utilize the 3-part Justice U Online Course to learn how communities can work together to end human trafficking and how you can uniquely become part of the solution.
- Read “How You Can Fight Human Trafficking: Over 100 Ways to Make a Difference.”
Utilize toolkits for parents
- Learn how to build resilience and resistance to a hypersexualized culture through Culture Reframed.
- Watch World Without Exploitation’s webinar: How Does Growing Up in a Porn Culture Impact the Emotional and Cognitive Development of Youth?
- Learn tips for keeping youth safe from the dangers of human trafficking with this North County Lifeline webinar and accompanying resources.
- Download the Internet Safety Guide by Shared Hope International.
Take online training specific to your profession
- Explore California Against Slavery’s online training resources for healthcare, hospitality, schools, transportation, the workforce, and faith-based organizations.
- Learn how to make your workplace trauma-informed through Free to Thrive’s virtual training tools.
- Read through Hands that Heal: International Curriculum to Train Caregivers of Trafficking Survivors.
- If you are in the healthcare sector, check out HEAL Trafficking’s Healthcare Protocol Toolkit or Justice U’s Human Trafficking Awareness Course for healthcare professionals.
- If you are a business professional, take a training with BEST Alliance.
- If you are a social service professional, view the SOAR to Health and Wellness Training.
Buy fair trade, second hand, or direct
- Use these facts to educate yourself and others about how purchasing fair trade helps address child labor and human trafficking in our supply chains.
- Learn more about how labor trafficking is connected to our products and services by checking out resources from Polaris Project and the National Institute of Justice.
- Discover how many slaves are impacted by your purchases and how to contact suppliers and businesses at Slavery Footprint.
- Check out the Buerarchy of Needs for ideas on how to purchase clothes more sustainably.
Support vulnerable youth
- Read about the challenges of aging out of foster care.
- Inform yourself on the Protocol for Safe and Affirming Care to improve the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth.
- Donate supplies (gift cards, hygiene bags, sleeping bags, clothing, etc.) to local drop-in and emergency centers for youth, such as San Diego Youth Services.
- Contribute meals to San Diego Youth Services “Food Group” for youth experiencing homelessness and volunteer for special projects in the youth emergency shelter.
- Volunteer at North County Lifeline’s drop-in center for former foster youth, at-risk youth, and youth experiencing homelessness.
- Volunteer with San Diego Youth Services foster support program by helping with parent trainings, supervising children, assisting with seasonal events, transportation, and community outreach.
- Become a Safe Families Church and open your home to provide a safe, loving place for a child to stay while the parents address the issues that have brought instability to their lives.
Support a direct service organization
- Develop a relationship with a local victim services organization by volunteering regularly. Here are some wonderful organizations in San Diego to look into:
Provide emergency shelter for a victim of human trafficking
- Learn about Safe Shelter Collaborative and how you can help.
- Watch this one-minute video to learn how Safe Night works.
- Download the Safe Night app to receive a notification when a victim of sexual violence needs temporary shelter.
Access local prevention curriculum
- Bring the kNOw MORE!© Prevention Curriculum to a school near you
- Contact Diane Doherty, Executive Director of Your Safe Place, to schedule a Teen Dating Violence training for your youth group or community.
Participate in outreach to massage establishments
- Read about trafficking in massage establishments and how law enforcement is trying to address this problem.
- Volunteer with Yusef Miller in massage establishment
- Sign up for volunteer opportunities with the Community Subcommittee of the Human Trafficking and CSEC Advisory Council.
Address porn and demand
- Learn about the harmful effects of porn at Fight the New Drug.
- Explore the Demand Forum for comprehensive resources on launching an initiative aimed at deterring men who buy sex.
- Watch and share the following World Without Exploitation webinars: (1) Man to Man: Promoting Health Masculinity and Ending Men’s Violence & (2) Why We Must Address Demand to End Trafficking.
- Explore the guides on Defend Young Minds for tips on how to talk to kids about pornography.
- Read Good Pictures, Bad Pictures to learn more about how to have hard conversations about porn with your kids.
Host a watch party for STOLEN documentary
- Watch the seven-episode STOLEN documentary at NBC San Diego to learn more about sex trafficking and the exploitation of children in San Diego County.
Become an advocate
- Check out Polaris Project to learn more about contacting your local representatives, starting a petition, advocating for legislation, or sending messages to elected officials.
- Support the current advocacy efforts of Freedom Network USA.
- Educate yourself about the proposed legislative models and legislation updates from California Against Slavery.
Launch an anti-trafficking ministry at your church
- Learn how to create a dynamic Human Trafficking ministry at Through God’s Grace.
- Explore additional training videos for equipping the faith community at Winning the Fight Against Human Trafficking’s YouTube channel.
- Read Ending Human Trafficking: A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today for a step-by-step guide for how to get your church involved in anti-trafficking work.
- Host a Freedom Sunday or prayer gathering.
- Sign up for Engage Together’s Church Teaching Series.
Directly Support Services for Survivors of Human Trafficking
There are numerous organizations in San Diego that are hard at work to provide shelter, counseling services, education, and additional services to victims and survivors of human trafficking. Consider volunteering with one of the following organizations to directly support services for survivors of human trafficking:
- Alabaster Jar Project
- Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition
- California Against Slavery
- Children of the Immaculate Heart
- GenerateHope
- North County Lifeline Project Life
- Salvation Army Door of Hope
- San Diego Youth Services iCARE and STARS
- Shining Stars
As a border region, our wellbeing is interconnected with our neighbors in Mexico, and human trafficking is a problem on both sides of the border. Here are some trusted organizations doing similar in Tijuana and Baja California:
Thank You to Our Founders
Churches Against Trafficking was originally co-founded by the following leaders:
- Susan Johnson, The Church at Rancho Bernardo
- Nate Alcorn, The Church at Rancho Bernardo
- Ginger Shaw, Skyline Church
- Rachelle Kimberling, Journey Community Church
- Dr. Jamie Gates, Point Loma Nazarene University
- Michelle Shoemaker, Point Loma Nazarene University